Sunday, October 30, 2016

Mom's Food Plan: Better Than French Fries

At the end of week 3 and these are far better than any French fries I have ever tasted. You can really taste the sweetness of the red-skinned new potatoes.

(Do yourself a favor and line your cookie sheet with parchment first. I ran out this weekend and now I have two cookie sheets to wash with stubborn roasted food stuck to them. ;) )

Coconut oil
Celtic gray sea salt
Garlic powder

Cut potatoes into wedges and toss with coconut oil and seasonings on a parchment-lined cookie sheet. (The heat from your gloved hands will warm the coconut oil so you don't need to use another pan to melt it.) Bake at 400 for about 30 minutes or until browned and tender. Freeze leftovers to reheat in toaster oven.

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