Sunday, October 23, 2016

Mom's Food Plan: Turkey Potato Patties!

In Week 2 of the food plan I'm starting to get creative instead of just having a plate with measured portions of each prescribed food. The psychological aspect is so important because instead of taking my food like the "medicine" I'm currently using it for, I was actually really excited about experimenting with this new idea and tasting it. And this idea came to me as I experienced a new challenge: A weekend at home with my out-of-state kids visiting. I baked and cooked yummy things for them, as did my husband, and I didn't taste a single thing! This is also getting easier because I'm stocking my freezer with baggies of pre-portioned foods that are easy to grab and heat up, so I don't need to cook from scratch every time. Yesterday I went way past my snack time which is kind of a big deal because when eating these small meals I really do get hungry, but I was having so much fun watching my daughter model the maternity clothes I had bought her, I didn't want to stop. There were pumpkin chocolate chip muffins on the counter and corn chips on the table and in the past I would have grabbed them. Instead I heated up my sweet potato fries in the toaster oven and grabbed a couple of ounces of chicken that I had been shredding, chewed them slowly, and I was completely satisfied! I would not have felt my hunger so sated if I had grabbed a muffin.

The other benefit is that except for the potatoes, Sam can eat everything I'm eating so it's less work to feed him, not more. My husband is being supportive by cooking his own food for now, but he's also cooking from scratch more and we feel close and unified.

It was such a blessing to have this idea come to me during this weekend of enticing treats! These turkey potato patties were delicious!

16 oz. organic free-range ground turkey
1.5 cups mashed organic potatoes
1 onion
Fresh black pepper
Garlic powder
Celtic gray sea salt
Coconut oil

Finely dice the onion and fry in coconut oil until soft and browned; transfer to a plate to cool. With gloved hands, mix the ground turkey, mashed potatoes, and seasonings until well combined. Scoop out portions with a 1/4 cup (2 ounce) ice cream scoop, flatten them into patties with your gloved hands, and lay them out on a sheet of parchment paper. (When I did this it made 13 patties.) Fry in a little coconut oil until done.

These didn't hold together super well but were delicious. When I am allowed to eat eggs I might add an egg as a binder.

Two patties have 2.5 ounces of turkey which fits into one meal allotment, and some carbs which are required at every meal.

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