Saturday, July 23, 2011

Rich Chicken Stock

This discovery yesterday reduced the sting of having paid $16 for an organic free range whole raw chicken at Jimbo's. I haven't been able to find chicken bouillon that doesn't have ingredients Sam can't have so I decided to make my own stock. I simmered the chicken with onion, celery, garlic and carrots, which is no big news.
But with my handy dandy immersion blender (and an idea I think I got from the Food Network), instead of discarding the mushy vegetables after I took out the chicken, I blended them into the liquid, yielding a rich, thick, delicious stock! Yeah! I will be freezing it in small portions for future use.

April 18, 2012 Update: This stock has come in so handy to flavor Sam's food! Since then I discovered organic frozen chicken thighs and breasts at Costco, which are a lot cheaper than Jimbo's. I often marinate the chicken, then grill it on the George Foreman and use the drippings to make stock.

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