Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Diet No Longer a "Crisis"

Well, it has been a week since Brain Highways gave us Sam's Power/Brain Food Diet and by day four it no longer felt like a crisis. That is how I described what I was "in" to my friend last Sunday. It does indeed feel like a crisis when you have a house full of food but nothing to feed your child. Looking back, I realized I could have waited 24 hours to start, after I was more prepared, but there is nothing like pressure to force me to research and think on my feet.

This morning, day 7, for breakfast Sam fed himself patties made from fried rice, as well as sweet potato chick pea quinoa patties (that I invented last night and had ready in the fridge), and ate every bite. For school lunch I packed porcupine meatballs that I had made on Saturday and put in the freezer, along with apple, snap peas, and a baggie of chick peas with lemon juice.
Seven days ago he had never eaten:
--Plain chick peas
--Plain tomatoes
--Raw snap peas
--Fried rice & chap chae without soy sauce
I am really grateful to Brain Highways for giving me so many great ideas (especially the bacon recommendation!) and a verbal tour of Jimbo's so I knew where to start and had something to work with.
I am also proud of Sam for trying so many new things and embracing a major change!

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