Friday, July 8, 2011

Fried New Potatoes, Onions, and Bacon

Our first "clean", organic meal! It was delicious!

2 organic new potatoes, diced
1/2 of an organic onion, diced
2 strips Beeler organic gluten-free casein-free bacon, diced (use kitchen scissors)
Kosher salt*
Freshly ground black pepper

Saute everything together in a pan until done. Makes two servings. That bacon was absolutely delicious!

*I just read on a corn allergy web site that iodized salt contains dextrpse, which is derived from corn. Yikes. I'm also going to have to return the bottle of chicken bouillon that contains maltodextrin, which is also derived from corn. And apparently baking powder and powdered sugar contain corn products.

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