Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Results of Brain Food Diet (Day 6)

1. Who would have thought, a week ago, that Sam would be gobbling up grape tomatoes and cucumber slices like he used to eat chips and crackers?! Not me! (He would NEVER go for a plain green vegetable on his plate before unless it was in a Chinese sauce.) And he doesn't seem to need nearly as much food to be satisfied.

2. Since day 1 of the diet he has been sleeping through the night!! He used to go to bed at around nine then wake up again, sometimes for two hours, when he heard us going to bed later. Or would pop up at 4:00am and be in his room making repetitive sounds for at least an hour. Last night he fell asleep early in the living room so it was understandable that he woke up a few hours later when he heard us. His sisters read Harry Potter to him for a while and he went back to sleep.

3. I will probably be losing weight because I don't want to eat any forbidden foods around Sam, so usually I just don't bother.

Going back and reading what I just wrote, it sounds completely unbelievable. But it's for real.

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