Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Delicious Rice Pasta Primavera

Note that although ghee is a dairy product, my daughter and I are allowed to eat it on our plan. This was absolutely delicious. It was all I could do not to top it with fresh parmesan, but I resisted and the result was that I was really able to enjoy the other flavors.

Cooked Trader Joe's organic brown rice pasta (rotini)
Canned coconut milk (optional)
Fresh mushrooms, cut in half
Fresh baby spinach, torn
Fresh cherry tomatoes (from my garden!), cut in half
Freshly ground pink Himalayan salt
Freshly ground black pepper

Trader Joe's brown rice pasta is amazing. Its only fault is that it gets hard when cold, but if you re-heat it, it is fine. As long as you don't overcook it, to me it is just as good as wheat pasta. The batch of cooked pasta I had leftover in my fridge had some canned coconut milk mixed into it (maybe about 1/4 cup?), which I guess contributed to the deliciousness of this dish but there was no perceptible coconut flavor.

Brown the mushrooms in a saute pan in some ghee. Add the cooked pasta and stir until spinach until pasta is warm and spinach is wilted. Throw in some more ghee if desired, then the tomatoes. Season with fresh salt and pepper.

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