Thursday, June 13, 2013

You Can Order Applegate Organics Online!

I have an extra refrigerator in the garage that really came in handy when I changed Sam's diet--fresh produce takes up more space and it is also nice to have a freezer space just for his special food. Let's face it--it is hard to avoid processed meats, especially when you can't have cheese. My naturopath wants me to avoid giving him pork because of the toxins, even if it is organic, so we use Applegate Organic Turkey Bacon even though their Sunday (pork) Bacon is fantastic! Here are the Applegate products we use regularly. The hot dogs are just for an occasional treat--even though they are organic, I still think of them as a limited option.

Applegate Organic Turkey Bacon: I keep several packages of this in the freezer at all times. I use bits of it in fried rice, in baked rice balls, wrapped around chunks of potato, or just plain. It tastes good.

Applegate Organic Sliced Roasted Turkey: I keep several packages in the freezer and I send half a package in his school lunch along with rice noodles or plantain chips as a starch. Sometimes I cut it up and put it in a rice pasta salad. If I am very organized I take the whole stack of slices out of the package and cut it in half and put each half in a ziploc bag and freeze it. Most often I freeze the whole package, and when I need to use it I break the frozen block of turkey slices in half by breaking it on the edge of my kitchen countertop.

Applegate Organic Hot Dogs: These are uncured and come in several varieties of meats, including grass-fed beef.

Here is the link to the web site where you can order online if you live in someplace like.....OHIO?!!

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