Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Today's Trader Joe's Purchases

This is for you, Tiffany! I bought:

Lots of organic produce at fabulous prices.
Plantain chips. (They look kind of like banana chips but are not sweet and sort of potato-ey.)
Dried pineapple rings! Like fruit leather, very sweet and a little tangy!
Unsulfured organic Turkish dried apricots, for making water kefir.
Organic brown rice pasta. (Don't overcook. It tastes pretty good and is a great price.)
Pear sauce individual cups, for giving Sam his meds. Jeanette doesn't believe in applesauce or apple juice.
Organic canned black beans.
Organic extra virgin olive oil.
Organic virgin coconut oil.

I didn't buy any this time but they have a huge selection of frozen fruits and vegetables, many of them organic, at great prices. They also have organic ground beef and chicken and lots of other great things that I haven't explored yet.

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