Saturday, November 16, 2013

Jeni's Spice Mix to Make Anything Taste Like Sausage

Provencal Spice Mix - Excellent on pork chops or really anything!
From Fine Cooking's Oct/Nov '94 issue #5

Zest of 2 lemons
1/3 C thinly sliced garlic
1/3 C fresh rosemary leaves
1/4 C fresh sage leaves
1/3 C kosher salt
1/4 C freshly ground black pepper

The recipe says, "In a food processor, put in the lemon zest with the motor going, and then add the rest of the ingredients. Process briefly until the mixture is the consistency of wet sand."

Jeni says she has been making this for YEARS and didn't get a Cuisinart until last Christmas. She just always chopped everything up really fine and it worked just as well. It will keep in the fridge for 2 weeks. She keeps any leftovers in the freezer and it keeps indefinitely! She pulls it out any time she wants to flavor something like sausage—be it eggs, ground turkey, etc.

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