Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Beef Curry Puffs or Mini Tarts

(Click on the recipe to enlarge it.)

These are really delicious. Substitute the flour for Pamela's mix and the margarine for coconut oil and a little water. The extra filling is good with rice.

Update: When I made these a few days ago, my crust was tough and I know I could make it flaky with some extra care and attention but I don't want to have to put extra care and attention into it, so I got thinking about alternatives. I decided to make a biscuit dough and press it into mini muffin tins. That means very little handling of dough, no rolling, thus a lot less mess and a lot less opportunity to make it tough. These little tarts were absolutely amazing! The crust was flaky and tender and delicious!!

Biscuit-style Crust for Mini Tarts:

1 cup Pamela's flour mix
1 teaspoon aluminum-free baking powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 cup coconut oil, in solid form
3/8 cup milk substitute with a splash of vinegar in it (I used rice milk and rice vinegar)

Preheat oven to 375. Grease a mini muffin tin with coconut oil. Combine the dry ingredients and cut in the coconut oil with a pastry blender until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Ad the milk and stir it just enough to make a dough. Press a walnut-sized glob of dough into each muffin opening, pushing it up the sides; you want it to be less than 1/4" thick. I wore thin disposable gloves to keep my hands from getting sticky. This dough was a little on the wet side (it would have stuck to a rolling pin had I tried to roll it out) and it turned out fine. Add a spoonful of filling and bake for about 12 minutes.

Oh, man. I'm going to make pizza ones and pumpkin pie ones and breakfast ones and I'm going to freeze a bunch of them to pop out and heat up in the toaster oven!

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